Hunting in Arkansas
(Spring of 2006)

My big Eastern shot on a friend's place in NW Arkansas.  He had a 10 and 1/2  inch beard and 3/4inch spurs.  It took over 2 hours to convince him to come in to the gun. Lance was with me.

The bird to the right is the big tom Lance took off my place in NW Arkansas.  

Steven's Long beard taken in Arkansas right before our trip to Texas.


                Hunting on Ranger Creek Ranch in Texas
                           (Spring of 2006)

  5 Dead in Texas. More pics below.

One of Lance's Texas birds taken late in the afternoon--same day and same place that Steven and I took our four in the morning.

My big Texas bird.  He had spurs right at 1 and 1/2 inches long and a 9 and 1/2 inch beard. This is my biggest bird to date (spur length). He was a man!


The birds above are the three killed by Emory and Bubba on our first afternoon in Texas.  Bubba killed two and Emory one.  All were long beards.

The birds to the left are the same five pictured above under the title "5 Dead in Texas."  On this fine Texas Sunday morning, I killed two, Steven two, and Emory one. All were long beards. The pic right above shows the biggest of my two birds killed that day.  It was our best morning of any in the 5 years we have been hunting in Texas.



                         Hunting in Georgia
                                                  (My Friends--I did not get to Georgia this year.)


This is Emory's opening day in Georgia. Not a bad way to start the season.

This is Emory's third bird in Georgia. He was done before we went to Texas.


This is Bubba's Georgia bird.



Hunting in the Black Hills of South Dakota
(Coming soon!)